The Health Care Blog: Use Emotion to Drive Adoption—Not Rejection—of Health IT

The Health Care Blog: Use Emotion to Drive Adoption—Not Rejection—of Health IT.

Colleague Lygeia Ricciardi ( @lygeia ) published this blog post in The Health Care blog today, which is descriptive of a change in attitude that I’ve been observing in the area of Health Information Technology, which is a discussion of the benefits and the risks, rather than “the risks.”

I think this is a combination of people understanding what Health Information Technology is capable of in systems that have implemented well, as well as understanding of how health care is not meeting expectations ( more on that in a second ). This is not the same as “HIT should be considered the solution to all of the problems.” It just means that people are now evaluating HIT as a relative to, not an absolute.

Speaking of meeting expectations, our gathering for the e-Patient Ephemera show is happening tonight. Reading @Lygeia’s post and then joining us to see the patient experience through the eyes of a talented artist will be a great way to think about what we want for the future.

If you can’t make it, don’t worry, there will be pictures up here tomorrow (of course!)

Ted Eytan, MD