Your Voice Video

This video was posted on the Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center Blog and includes the voices of people and their views on health care. There’s one in the middle that I found powerful. See if you agree.

I think more of the discussion should come from those receiving care in general, and I like that YouTube and Web2.0 in general is making that a reality.

There’s an associated slide presentation with data about patient access, and I liked the wording of the question, which was “Patients should be able to obtain accurate and complete information on their own health conditions so they can actively participate in making treatment decisions.” 79 percent said this was Very/Extremely important.


Thanks for calling attention to our symposium on health care reform. We believe it's absolutely essential that the patient voice be heard, and we completely agree that social media like YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and blogs make that possible like never before. I hope your readers will join in the discussion.

I was asked and participated in this landmark symposium. I was featured in the video, as a woman that recently underwent open heart surgery at 40 for congenital defect repairs and has concern at the prospect of my future health care needs. Today insurance is not a cut and dry issue. It is extremely emotional charged. However, we need to work together as a unified voice. Five of us in this video were in attendance and made our voices heard loud and clear. We the average American in this country wants and needs health insurance and we are willing to work together to make it happen now. We all deserve to have insurance and want to be part of the grassroots movement to make it happen.

Allison and Lee,

I applaud your efforts and am glad that the patient (person) voice has a role in the discussion.

Without even thinking about it, I have incorporated video or images of the patient voice in most if not all the presentations I have given about my areas of expertise (health information technology, reducing disparities, Toyota Management System – you can see for yourself on the sidebar there). From my study of the Toyota Motor system, I know that the facts are what people experience receiving care and in being able to achieve their life goals through optimal health.

The aspect of the patient voice that makes me the most optimistic is that whenever I see it presented or present it myself, it changes the conversation to one about doing the best for our customers, our communities, and society, regardless of who is in the room. All we have to do is to remember to bring it into the conversation, every time.

Thanks for your comments and your experience. I hope to refer future audiences to this material to understand its importance,


Ted Eytan, MD