Thanks for Publishing my Photograph, in ‘Tel Aviv is veganistische hoofdstad van de wereld’ |

2016.07.10 Tel Aviv People and Places 07017
2016.07.10 Tel Aviv People and Places 07017 (View on

Thanks for publishing my photograph, @IsrealityNL, in this piece linked below.

The photograph was taken in Tel Aviv, Israel, of course. I should also add that while the data shows that Israelis are suffering from many of the chronic health issues brought on by (now faulty) recommendations for a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet, it is still possible/easy to pursue a higher-fat, healthy food mix. I know, because I did.

See for yourself in this photo 🙂 .

2016.07.10 Tel Aviv People and Places 06995
2016.07.10 Tel Aviv People and Places 06995 (View on


‘Tel Aviv is vegan capital of the world’

With more than 400 vegan restaurants and at least as many fruit bars, according to the British newspaper The Independent, you can no longer ignore it: Tel Aviv is the vegan capital of the world


Met meer dan 400 veganistische restaurants en minstens zoveel fruitbarretjes kun je er volgens de Britse krant The Independent niet langer omheen: Tel Aviv is dè vegan capital of the world.   Die titel geeft de Israëlische kuststad zichzelf trouwens al langer, net als veel veganistische toeristen die de stad bezoeken. Toch zijn de meeste eters bij …Source: ‘Tel Aviv is veganistische hoofdstad van de wereld’ |

Ted Eytan, MD