Thanks for publishing my photo, in Have you adopted your tag yet? – Greater Greater Washington

2018.02.06 DC People and Places, PaintTheSky, Washington, DC USA 09891
2018.02.06 DC People and Places, PaintTheSky, Washington, DC USA 09891 (View on

Thanks for using my photograph @ggwash.

It’s of the iconic @HowardTheatre at sunrise, in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, DC (of course).

I’m aware that this is a fundraising post for the non-profit publication Greater Greater Washington. I don’t endorse third party products or services on this blog, so the decision to contribute is not recommended by me. I am giving my support to the work that Greater Greater Washington does to reduce or eliminate inequity in our nation’s capital and overall help our citizens and by extension, the world, learn to love better.

This week, an anonymous donor is challenging five people to become adopt-a-tag sponsors. If 10 people make a donation of at least $175 (or $35/month), they’ll donate $2,000 to the reader drive!

Source: Have you adopted your tag yet? Do it this week and GGWash will get $2,000! – Greater Greater Washington

Ted Eytan, MD