Thanks for publishing my photo in More Truth in Teacher-Written Education Blogs | By @StevenSinger3 | @CommonDreams

2017.01.29 Oppose Betsy DeVos Protest, Washington, DC USA 00202
2017.01.29 Oppose Betsy DeVos Protest, Washington, DC USA 00202 (View on

Thanks for publishing my photo Common Dreams (@CommonDreams) and Steven Singer (@StevenSinger3) for the insightful piece. The photo was taken during the “protest is the new brunch” phase of living in Washington, DC, in January, 2017. As a person who has studied explicit and implicit bias extensively, I understand the tenets of the essay and I agree that having bias is integral to being human (and my generation of physicians came to health care to modulate it so that the world can learn to love better).

Let’s get one thing straight right from the get go: I am biased.But so are you.So are the parents, students, principals and school directors. So are the policymakers, the corporate donors and professional journalists.”We need to be aware that corporate media is often going to take the side of big corporations. They’re going to uncritically criticize those standing in the way of corporate profits—i.e. teachers.”

Source: More Truth in Teacher-Written Education Blogs Than Corporate Media | By Steven Singer | Common Dreams

Ted Eytan, MD