Why I’m wearing a continuous glucose monitor as a physician without diabetes or prediabetes

Why I’m wearing a continuous glucose monitor as a physician without diabetes or prediabetes

2021.02.10 Continuous Glucose Monitor, Washington, DC USA 041 21029-Edit
2021.02.10 Continuous Glucose Monitor, Washington, DC USA 041 21029-Edit (View on Flickr.com)

In practice, I never check ketone levels. Why wear a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)?

Too much glucose in your bloodstream is toxic, too little is fatal. Our bodies prioritize keeping us sick and alive (with obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes) in the former condition, and manufacturing glucose when needed. Because of this, too much blood glucose is common, too little blood glucose is rare.

A continuous glucose monitor provides minute by minute information about how the body handles this tightly controlled metabolite in response to food. Currently, these are used for people with diabetes (unfortunately a greater % of the population), eventually, this technology may be embedded in the Apple Watch.

It will be great for people to understand how food affects their metabolism. The danger is that the food industry will adapt and produce substances that don’t raise blood sugar but have their own toxicity – we’ve seen it before (Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger).

In the meantime, eat #RealFood, check with your doctor before starting any new diet plan, throw the junk in the trash where it belongs.

For the product itself, I am fascinated by the color combinations chosen – the blue and yellow are clearly a complementary pair, making the device itself a color harmony and more pleasing to the eye…

Ted Eytan, MD