Photos: Protest for Trans Rights, Washington, DC USA

Photos: Protest for Trans Rights, Washington, DC USA

2020.06.13 Protest for Trans Rights, Washington, DC USA 165 47025
2020.06.13 Protest for Trans Rights, Washington, DC USA 165 47025 (View on

If these are the activities we are to engage in on Pride day in our nation’s capital in 2020, so be it.

The combined nursing, medical, and allied health professions have spoken. Denying care or coverage for care to people who are transgender is unethical.

Resilient people and companies face reality with staunchness, make meaning of hardship instead of crying out in despair, and improvise solutions from thin air. Others do not. This is the nature of resilience, and we will never completely understand it.

First, the LGBTQ community has never given up on a struggle, even if it took decades to achieve. And second, in the end, they always win.- Jerome Pohlen

Ted Eytan, MD