Photo Friday: Do Exercise Individually, and Enjoy the Beauty,  Washington, DC USA

Photo Friday: Do Exercise Individually, and Enjoy the Beauty, Washington, DC USA

2020.03.22 DC People and Places, Washington, DC USA 081 30031
2020.03.22 DC People and Places, Washington, DC USA 081 30031 (View on

This week’s photograph was taken in Washington, DC, in the historic Blagden Alley section of the city.

It’s useful to remember that we should

  • Go outside to exercise individually
  • Maintain physical (but not social) distance from fellow human beings
  • Follow the rules for avoiding transmission
    • Wash hands before and after (and frequently)
    • Don’t touch your face

Facts over fear, Data over Dogma. This very helpful video explains how to protect yourself, from a physician in New York City treating coronavirus patients in the ICU.

Enjoy the photo.

Covid_19_Protecting_Your_Family_Dr_Dave_Price_3_22_2020 from Mariana Price on Vimeo.

Ted Eytan, MD