Thanks for showcasing co-authors in Transgender Peoples Got That Flag Emoji! | @MonsterChildren

Thank you for showcasing co-authors @Teaelleu, @AldaVigdis, @BiancaRey, in this piece on the recently adopted transgender pride flag emoji, @MonsterChildren.

It’s accurately stated that Tea Uglow is the woman who got this started. Bianca Rey is her US counterpart who got myself and several more humans started in the following year.

No question this is an important achievement that took a lot longer than it should have, as many things do related to LGBTQ human beings.

I am going to continue to press for the telling of the story by people who have lived experience as a transgender person or a parent of a transgender person. I am neither of these, just a doctor working to be an ally, because all humans deserve to be respected and represented. With that in mind, goal achieved here.

Enjoy the piece.

And we interviewed the woman who got the ball rollin’.

Source: Transgender Peoples Got That Flag Emoji!

Ted Eytan, MD