Thank you for publishing my photo, in Black Americans mostly left behind by progress since Dr. King’s death

Thank you for publishing my photo, in Black Americans mostly left behind by progress since Dr. King’s death

Composites - 1968 and 2014 - Washington, DC USA 49693
Composites – 1968 and 2014 – Washington, DC USA 49693 (View on

Thank you for using this photo (a composite of one I took with a famous one taken by George Scurlock), @TheConversationUS, in this piece written by Professor Sharon Austin from the University of Florida. The piece was also syndicated on @Towleroad.

Update: Also syndicated on PBS @NewsHour See: How black Americans’ lives have–and haven’t–changed since Dr. King’s death | PBS NewsHour

The story behind the Scurlock photo is detailed on the photo’s page. It was taken on the day Washington, DC was destroyed in the riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The composite is with 2014’s Washington, DC (noting, I was just learning compositing at the time). In 2014, the vantage point was from an LGBTQ bar, compared to 1968’s Scurlock photo studio. It could be said that very few people inhabiting this part of our nation’s capital know what happened on this corner in 1968.

Here’s another vantage point, from the next day, when the national guard occupied the city:

Then and Now 9th and U 50024
Then and Now 9th and U 50024 (View on

A minority politics scholar assesses black progress 52 years after MLK’s death based on poverty, jobs and wealth. ‘In some ways,’ she concludes, ‘we’ve barely budged as a people.’

Source: Black Americans mostly left behind by progress since Dr. King’s death


Thank you for using CC as well, and feel free to use any of my images this way. Thanks also for the info about NewsHour, I’lll give them a shoutout as well!

Ted Eytan, MD