Photo Friday/Recipe: Broccoli and Bacon Stir Fry – Plants, an ideal vehicle for fat

2019.07.07 Broccoli with Bacon, LCHF, Washington, DC USA 18305
2019.07.07 Broccoli with Bacon, LCHF, Washington, DC USA 18305 (View on

This week’s Photo Friday is also a recipe, for Broccoli and Bacon stir fry. This one is pretty easy and there are multiple versions of it online, I chose this version to share:

See: Broccoli and Bacon Stir Fry Recipe – Todd Porter and Diane Cu | Food & Wine

I would omit the worcestershire sauce, however, since it’s almost pure sugar, defeating the purpose of healthy fat/carbohydrate ingestion.

As expected, there was no blood glucose excursion, as measured by a continuous glucose monitor:

2019.07.07 Low Carb and Low Carbon 1830001
2019.07.07 Low Carb and Low Carbon 1830001 (View on

The topic of saturated fat in the diet has been discussed extensively, and will be discussed extensively soon as the USDA prepares for 2020 nutritional guidelines:

In addition, these are the current sources of saturated fat in the Standard American Diet (SAD), making it hard for epidemiologists to tease out whether saturated fat is a nutrient of concern or not:

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Dietary guidelines for Americans. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 2010.

More sophisticated meta-analyses and prospective cohort studies are showing that it is probably not a nutrient of concern.

2018.05 Low Carb and Low Carbon - Ted Eytan MD-1001 701
2018.05 Low Carb and Low Carbon – Ted Eytan MD-1001 701 (View on

I would now caveat the above with a new paper written by @DavidLudwigMD et. al, commenting on the role of ultra-processed foods and metabolic disease:

Ludwig DS, Astrup A, Bazzano LA, Ebbeling CB, Heymsfield SB, King JC, et al. Ultra-Processed Food and Obesity: The Pitfalls of Extrapolation from Short Studies. Cell Metab [Internet]. 2019 Jun; Available from:

Regardless, there isn’t going to be much/any science supporting refined carbohydrates as an ideal vehicle for saturated fat compared to plants. If there is any, feel free to pass it my way 🙂 .

2018.05 Low Carb and Low Carbon - Ted Eytan MD-1001 702
2018.05 Low Carb and Low Carbon – Ted Eytan MD-1001 702 (View on

Enjoy the recipe.

Ted Eytan, MD