Photos Friday: The Vessel and The Stonewall Inn, New York City, NY USA

2019.05.16 The Vessel, New York City, NY USA 02578
2019.05.16 The Vessel, New York City, NY USA 02578 (View on

I’m allowing this week’s Photo Friday to not be about Washington, DC. It’s a special occasion 🙂 .

Above and below are The Vessel Sculpture in New York City, as well as photographs from the iconic Stonewall Inn.

It’s not what you preach, it’s what you tolerate. We thank our ancestors for being intolerant.

Enjoy the photos (Stonewall, The Vessel).

2019.05.14 Stonewall National Monument, New York, NY USA 02610
2019.05.14 Stonewall National Monument, New York, NY USA 02610 (View on
2019.05.14 Stonewall National Monument, New York, NY USA 02607
2019.05.14 Stonewall National Monument, New York, NY USA 02607 (View on
2019.05.16 The Vessel, New York City, NY USA 0494
2019.05.16 The Vessel, New York City, NY USA 0494 (View on
Ted Eytan, MD