Thanks for Using my Photo WAMU and DCist, in Update: Catholic University Suspends Social Work Dean …

2017.02.12 Brookland, Washington, DC USA  00702
2017.02.12 Brookland, Washington, DC USA 00702 (View on

Thanks for using my photo, @DCist. Its sibling media outlet, @wamu885, used the same photograph for a slightly different story (see below).

The photograph was taken under different conditions, in the exploration of the Brookland Neighborhood in Washington, DC (of course).

It’s worth linking to that experience here, to remind that for every square millimeter of trying times in our nation’s capital, there are 1,000’s more of the stories of leadership and the future being born. Enjoy.

Photo Friday: Brookland, Washington, DC USA – An amazing journey through American History

Social work students are planning to protest and demand his resignation on Monday.

Source: Update: Catholic University Suspends Social Work Dean Who Disparaged Kavanaugh Accuser On Twitter: DCist

Catholic U. President Says His Instinct On Abusive Priests Is 'Go After Them With A Baseball Bat' | WAMU

Ted Eytan, MD