Just Read: Federal Commission for Nutrition. Vegan diets: review of nutritional benefits and risks. Expert report of the FCN

Federal Commission for Nutrition. Vegan diets: review of nutritional benefits and risks. Expert report of the FCN [Internet]. Bern: Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office 2018. Available from: https://www.eek.admin.ch/eek/de/home/pub/ernaehrungsbezogene-und-gesundheitliche-vor–und-nachteile-einer.html (scroll down for English version)

In the #FMRevolution, there’s no limit to ideas of interest when it comes to health…

First (#Food4Thought18), now this. The Swiss are leading in (#DataOverDogma).

This work offers a very useful perspective in an unbiased way (no conflicts except for Diego Santini representing the Vegan Society Switzerland)

  • respecting the diversity of humans who choose vegan (and vegetarian) diets – Overwhelming majority choose for ethical reasons (only 18%-35% for health) with impacts on food choices (non-health choosers may not make healthier food choices)
  • Need to take nutrient deficiencies into account and supplement, not all vegans do this – “The data show however that this ideal well-planned diet is not always followed”
  • Studies have tons of limitations about health impacts pro/con – lots of data in here ranging from all-cause mortality to mental illness. All are worthy of dialogue.
  • Vegan diets not recommended for pregnant women, toddlers, children, or adolescents
  • Impact on environment not in scope – so this is about people, not planet (again, only one side of the equation, health is more inclusive in my opinion)


Federal Commission for Nutrition. Vegan diets: review of nutritional benefits and risks. Expert report of the FCN [Internet]. Bern: Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office 2018. Available from: https://www.eek.admin.ch/eek/de/home/pub/ernaehrungsbezogene-und-gesundheitliche-vor–und-nachteile-einer.html (scroll down for English version)

Ted Eytan, MD