Thanks for Publishing my Photo, and for being an amazing voice from the future, in A Federal Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban On Transgender Troops In the Military – Affinity Magazine

2017.07.29 Stop Transgender Military Ban, Washington, DC USA 7731
2017.07.29 Stop Transgender Military Ban, Washington, DC USA 7731 (View on

Thanks for publishing my photo, Affinity Magazine (@TheAffinityMag). It was taken in front of the White House, in Washington, DC, with incredible people, who have sacrificed their lives for our country, and many communities who love them.

I especially appreciate that Affinity Magazine is produced for teens, by teens, also incredible people….

If you ever worry that the future is not in good hands, read the piece & come back to it often. The voices from the future present a clarity that’s defining. What a fantastic century this has turned out to be, the one that confirms that love always wins 🙂 .

Trump’s intent to take away the possibility of enlisting in the military for those transgender individuals aspiring to and those who are already members of the military has been blocked, just as it should. The president cannot change laws according to his transphobic ideas, there are rights and previous policies standing, and there are Judges who will not allow his unsupported hate-fueled policies to be implemented.

The LGBTQ community is celebrating a win. This Monday, October 30th, a federal judge blocked Trump’s transgender military ban. For those who were unaware of this ban, President Trump released a statement on July 26thSource: A Federal Judge Blocks Trump’s Ban On Transgender Troops In the Military – Affinity Magazine


Thank you, for capturing a beautiful moment of unity, it only felt right to use in this article.
-Affinity Writer

….use any of the photos anytime. You are doing great things with them and for the world, from your fan 😀

Ted Eytan, MD