Thanks for publishing my photo in To make cities affordable, but you need these four things – Greater Greater Washington

Morning in Eckington 8117
Morning in Eckington 8117 (View on

Thanks (again) @ggwash, one of my favorite city-everything blogs, for using my photo to illustrate this piece.

Noting, health care is not listed as one of the four things – health is much greater than what doctors do. At the same time, physicians are intended by society to be leaders in health (with the amount that society pays for them to be built, they should be), which is why doctors love designers and planners.

The photograph is of a just-emerging Eckington neighborhood in Washington, DC, taken 6 years ago. Like many parts of the city, so close to the US Capitol building, yet farther than visitors expect when it comes to everyone having what they need to achieve their life goals.

There are many mechanisms available to make housing more affordable, and DC is doing the right thing by employing a variety of them. However, there is still a lot of room for improvement.Source: There’s no silver bullet to make cities affordable, but you need these four things – Greater Greater Washington


Ted Eytan, MD