Thanks for Publishing My Photo in Emerging School Restroom Trends Help Ensure Transgender Student Safety – School Construction News

2016.11.03 All Gender Restroom, Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco, CA USA 08622
2016.11.03 All Gender Restroom, Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco, CA USA 08622 (View on

Thanks for publishing my photo, @SchoolBuildNews. What I like about this use is that it shows that the world is learning to love better. Regardless of whatever non-science-based conversations are happening, the industry is moving ahead based on science.

This photograph was taken at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. It’s an example of a really well designed all gender restroom.

I should note that the greatest new trend I am seeing in retrofits is not to retrofit anything – signage works just as well.

This physician and the medical profession are fully in support.Love always wins.

The school restroom is terra incognita when it comes to challenges facing transgender students and the socio-political debate that surrounds them.

Source: Emerging School Restroom Trends Help Ensure Transgender Student Safety – School Construction News

Ted Eytan, MD