Thanks for publishing my photo of #ProtectTransWomen @TheConversationUS, in Everyday makers defy populists’ false promise to embody ‘your voice’

2017.03.15 #ProtectTransWomen Day of Action, Washington, DC USA 01530
2017.03.15 #ProtectTransWomen Day of Action, Washington, DC USA 01530 (View on

Thanks for publishing my photograph, The Conversation (@TheConversationUS) on this piece on populism. It was taken on an extremely cold day in Washington, DC at an event, the #ProtectTransWomen Day of Action (see: Photo Friday: Are Patients Human Beings? (Answer is YES) #TDOV Washington, DC USA)

The description in the article fits the leaders I spent time with that day. Very exceptional. Rest of the photos from that day are below.

The only exceptional leaders we need today are the ones who help us to govern and take care of ourselves.Source: Everyday makers defy populists’ false promise to embody ‘your voice’

Ted Eytan, MD