Special Pride Project Complete: Transgender Pride Flag iMessage App

As I mentioned in this Month’s Now Update, I worked on a special emoji creation project for a friend, and that project is now complete.

You can read more about it at community colleague Chad Cipiti’s website.

And of course, download the App here (iOS only at this time).

As it says in the website description, visibility and identity is important, one of the most primal human drives there is.

If I am impressed by anything in my career as a physician, it is the fact, as data clearly shows, that suppression or denial of identity by outside forces has catastrophic health and life consequences. So why would we want to do that? In any event, diversity is what allows the human species to survive.

iMessage full of pride, smiles ear to ear when I see great people who are visible and amazing. . App submitted to iTunes waiting for approval ✌️ #TransVisibility #transpride #transrespect capitaltranspride As Washington, DC goes, so goes the nation
iMessage full of pride, smiles ear to ear when I see great people who are visible and amazing. . App submitted to iTunes waiting for approval ✌️ #TransVisibility #transpride #transrespect @capitaltranspride As Washington, DC goes, so goes the nation (View on Flickr.com)

We decided to do this because there’s a need, and it’s better for health. There’s a movement underway to add the transgender pride flag symbol to Unicode. Hopefully it will follow the rainbow pride flag, which was added in 2016.

We’ll also be working on another special visibility project this week, which I hope to post photographs of as well.

Thank you Chad (@chaddashwick), Bianca (@BiancaRey), and the 21st Century, for being here with us 🙂 – and Happy Pride Month!

If you don’t like the news … go out and make some of your own Wes Nisker

Ted Eytan, MD