Meeting ePatientDave, 8 years later

2016.12.06 Selfie with ePatientDave 3449
2016.12.06 Selfie with ePatientDave 3449 (View on

We always seem to meet after our national elections (or at least we have for two elections…)

It’s 8 years later and the platforms we use to communicate have changed, but we are still communicating. And there’s no slowing him down, trust me. And, I’d probably say the same myself. It’s wild to back and read what was written 8 years ago – when Dave was doing this work for just 1 year – the most profound human spirits start somewhere…embrace curiosity.

I can say with absolute certainty that we were right – partnering with patients was not a fad and this became the decade of the patient, in my favorite century to date 🙂 .

Click through to see us on the very first day we met. Like I always say when it comes to the camera – “you’ll thank me later.”

Meeting ePatientDave for the very first time

Ted Eytan, MD