Presentation: The What, Why & How of Walking Meetings, with America Walks

Last week I was fortunate to co-present with Sheila Franklin and Jessica Tunon on one of my favorite topics.

It’s the best sign of contagion when you are not the only person presenting on something that you are so passionate about.

My slides are below. You can also view the entire presentation at the America Walks web site..

On the occasion of preparing for this presentation, I went back and visited the semi-Epic post I wrote in 2008 to see what had changed since then:

  • Wearable devices have since been shown not to be the motivating force they were once thought to be, with two significant studies in 2016 published about this. This makes modification of the work environment even more critical – a smart watch isn’t going to make people walk any more than a scale makes someone lose weight. An appointment on a calendar that says “walking meeting” – that works 🙂 .
  • All of the rules about how many people can be in a walking meeting have been smashed, now that I have a 1,000-person walking meeting under my belt.
  • This is still one of the most contagious health interventions I have experienced/infected others with – nothing has stopped the walking
  • I still love hearing stories about adoption of walking meetings – please tweet those to me and/or put them in the comments.

2016.11.17 Walking at Work: The What, Why & How of Walking Meetings from Ted Eytan, MD, MS, MPH
Ted Eytan, MD