Can Health Care Be Cured Of (Unconscious) Racial Bias? : NPR

A growing body of research suggests that doctors’ racial biases and other prejudices continue to affect the care patients received. Medical educators say self-awareness is an important first step.

Source: Can Health Care Be Cured Of Racial Bias? : Shots – Health News : NPR

The opening story in this NPR piece is worth listening to.

As I’ve noted on this blog before, for LGBT and especially T individuals, there isn’t just unconscious bias in health care, there is frank, open, explicit bias (see: Just Read: Eliminating physician biases against gay and lesbian people, don’t forget the “T”).

I am glad this subject is getting covered in today’s health professions schools. In the end, health systems and academia need to design bias-free and de-biasing environments for learners and faculty.

Ted Eytan, MD