Photo Friday (It’s a video): Trenor Williams, MD

This week’s photograph is a video, reflecting the changing nature of social media, with the advent of iPhone Video and other devices, such as Flip HD.

This video is a brief interview of Trenor Williams, MD, one of the principles of Clinovations, a group of Washington, DC innovators in the Health Information Technology arena that I work with. Clinovations was a lead organizer, along with Ozmosis, and Amplify Public Affairs (of the well-regarded Disruptive Women in Health Care Blog), of the successful Social Media in Health Information Technology conference this week. I’ll be posting my slides and impressions here soon.

By the way, I am still learning how to integrate video into my repetoire, so feel free to provide tips or guidance if you (a) do this regularly (b) have suggestions for people/topics you’d like to see more of or (c) can provide constructive guidance on my technique – setting, questions, framing of the subject, etc. I always want to improve! I did several other interviews, which you can see on the YouTube channel I set up for my stuff.

Ted Eytan, MD