Return to regular publishing; Nice Commentary from the Technology Sector

I am back from my Internet holiday (highly recommended!), which means a return to regular publishing on this blog. We are planning our next trip to New York City, publishing of our PCHIT Personas Special Report, and a final trip to California, stay tuned, and please add to the discussion. Comments are now turned back on for your interaction pleasure.

In the meantime, I ran across this commentary from Joerg Schwarz, the Director of Healthcare & Life Sciences at Sun Microsystems, about the value of the PHR in health care. My presentation at the Northern Calfornia HIMSS in December was useful in that I learned about the role of technology companies, both as experts in supporting a great customer experience online, and as purchasers, in promoting personal health records. Endorsements like Joerg’s below make a difference in fostering adoption across the industry.

Norcal HIMSS chapter – PHR Workshop : Joerg Schwarz on Health Care

Ted Eytan, MD