Photo Friday: Equality March for Unity and Pride, Washington, DC USA

2017.06.11 Equality March 2017, Washington, DC USA 6513
2017.06.11 Equality March 2017, Washington, DC USA 6513 (View on

This week’s photograph was taken in Washington, DC (of course), and is of the moment the Equality March for Unity and Pride (@EqualityMarch17) started.

The very start of a march (as of this year I have seen many) is a very impactful, moving, moment, and this was no exception. What I felt was the strong intention for LGBTQ+ communities to control their destiny. See for yourself in the photos below.

The image below is a reminder that the most powerful voices are the ones from the future.

2017.06.11 Equality March 2017, Washington, DC USA 6576
2017.06.11 Equality March 2017, Washington, DC USA 6576 (View on

Mobilizing LGBTQ+ communities, our loved ones and our allies – with particular focus on those who have been actively silenced and neglected – in the fight to affirm and protect our rights, our safety and our full humanity.Equality March 2017

Ted Eytan, MD