Photo Friday: Walls, Ceilings, Closet Doors – the things social innovators shatter.

CTHNext Demolition 57822
CTHNext Demolition 57822 (View on
Floors we tend to save and build upon…

The demolition of the interior of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health (@KPTotalHealth) began this week, to prepare for the next version that we call #CTHNext. The sledgehammers that we wielded caused me to reflect on the work and people we’ve been involved with to date who also shatter things:

More than a few people have remarked that they didn’t know why a facility refresh would be needed – everything already looked beautiful.

That’s true.

A social innovation center, though, always needs to provide an environment for people to think differently.

The people who take “no” as a question need a place to be where things are never done – always a new conversation, idea, connection to a person or community that you never envisioned before. That’s where we come in. 

So to all of you, know that we are not done. See you in the Fall 🙂 .

You can see an animated version of us at work on the Center for Total Health Blog.

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Ted Eytan, MD