Should Your Doctor Friend You on Facebook? (Quoted on Mashable)

Should Your Doctor Friend You on Facebook? (Quoted on Mashable).

As the title says, I was quoted in this piece published on (@mashable), written by Andrea Smith (@andreasmith).

And, she did a really nice job in my opinion, putting together the data and information I mentioned in this response to a similar article published in the Seattle Times last year.

I want to recommend the policy paper written in the article, which includes as a co-author my social media collaborator Vinny Arora (@futuredocs):

Annals of Internal Medicine | Online Medical Professionalism: Patient and Public Relationships: Policy Statement From the American College of Physicians and the Federation of State Medical Boards

This is about communication, not social media, or even technology.

The link to the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health is actually , but that’s easy to discover on this blog :).

Ted Eytan, MD