Future of the Hospital global online game – play virtually or in person, in Washington, DC Jan 8 2013

Click here to sign up for in-person group play at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health, Jan 8, 2013 (Google+ or Facebook, take your pick)

I am engaging our local community in the open collaborative forecasting game on January 8th at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health. We’re hosting a 90 minute session, 3:30 – 5:00 pm, even though the online game runs 24 hours (feel free to begin playing before and play after!).

Here’s the premise:

For over 100 years, the hospital has been the core of our healthcare system, and a pillar of every community—the central hub where people enter and leave this world, and where scientific discoveries become life saving procedures.

But in the last couple decades, technological, social and economic forces have chipped away at this model. As these trends continue—making traditional clinical environments punishingly expensive to run, and increasingly less necessary for many healthcare needs – the future of the community hospital is uncertain.

This is a 24-hour collaborative forecasting game playing from 12pm EST (9am PST) January 8 to 12pm EST (9am PST) on January 9, 2013.

If you would like to join us for group play, please sign up above. Everyone worldwide is welcome to play online.

Watch the YouTube Video:



Ted Eytan, MD