James’s Project: A Living Exhibit

James’s Project: A Living Exhibit -This is a blog post from Mary Ellen Mannix, MRPE, who is featured in the short film created for The Walking Gallery event , that was part of DC Health Innovation Week.

I started my day admiring exhibits at the museums along the Mall in DC. The Mall is full of stuffed, molded and representations of our American, Natural, Aviation, Fine Art history as well as monuments to the people in our history that we admire. To end it as part of a living mural was ironic – it was a living, breathing, (and walking) exhibit to the nearly 100,000 American lives lost each year to medical errors. Ironic, really.

“So now through James’s Project I share as much as I can books and education for infant caregivers (both parents and clinicians) to effectively advocate, educate and collaborate so they don’t have a similar tragedy.”


Thank you Dr Ted for sharing the little 11 day old baby's story and his crazy persistent mom's nearly 10 yr mission to save another baby AND clinician from the same senseless tragedy – especially the pain that we edure when communication is poor.

Mary Ellen,

Your comment reminds me of a quote (I think from Jerome Groopman, MD) where he said, "people talk about crazy mothers – nothing makes a mother more crazy than not telling her what's happening with her child."

Thank you for your contributions and for being persistent,


Ted Eytan, MD